Thursday, April 16, 2009

A place to start

Mediocre: adjective: of no exceptional quality or ability

My name is Nicole and triathlon dominates my life <Hi Nicole>. OK, that’s out in the open! Whew!

As an athlete and a triathlete I have some ability, but nothing that I’d call exceptional. I get through on hard work, determination, and the modest athletic talent that nature has provided to me. For the most part I’m what’s called “Middle of the Pack” (MOP). Given the right day and the right circumstance (i.e., the race of my life and a small turnout) I have an outside chance of placing third in my age group; it’s something I aspire to.

I plan to use this blog to report and muse on whatever seems significant to me at a given moment. I expect that it will largely center on triathlon and my triathlon training but I also expect that there will be many other things that I’ll want to rant write about. I hope you enjoy the trip.



  1. Thanks for the redirect...mine's

  2. Hi, Nicole! Best of luck with your training. I'll be interested to follow along. I found your blog from triathlon training blog. If you want, feel free to check my blog out at

    I'm in the process of training for my first two triathlons but have never done anything like this before!
