Monday, April 27, 2009

The Yellow Days

It happens right about this time every year in the DC Metro area; the whole place becomes covered with a fine yellow dust. Know who's to blame? The trees! I've never lived any other place where the trees put out so much pollen! Right now it's the oak trees that are at high pollenation status and everything, especially the cars, are tinged greenish yellow; it certainly doesn't help that I park under an oak an night. The car washes must do extra good business right about now. If we get enough of a rain to wash off the cars then there will be yellow-stained rivers of runoff in the streets.

A year or two ago I accidentally left my car windows cracked when it started to rain and the dust got dripped into the car causing yellow stains on the seats and carpets. Even a stain remover didn't get rid of it all. Amazing, just amazing!

1 comment:

  1. I learned all about yellow dust a few months after I moved to Jacksonville from San Diego. Down here we get it mostly in January and February. Sadly, I also learned that I'm allergic to at least some species.
